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溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會(溫支聯)現有兩款 T-恤,尺碼由 S 至 2XL 可供選購。售價為每件 C$20,收益將全數幫助本會日常運作及六四紀念活動 ,希望大家可以讓本會繼續與你同行,捍衛人權自由,支援香港民主運動。
VSSDM has designed two types of T-shirts available with sizes from S to 2XL. The selling price is C$20 per T-shirt. All proceeds will help to keep VSSDM daily operation and to organize June 4 commemorate event. Thank you for your support to continue to fight with us for human rights and democracy, and for the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement.
Size chart (Unisex)
尺碼表 (男女通用)

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