9.29 Anti CCP Anti Infiltration:
9.29 ⿑⿑打倒共產黨
NO to Infiltration
NO Chinese National Day
Date: September 29
Time: 2pm
Venue: 3380 Granville St., Vancouver (outside Chinese Consulate)
On September 29, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., join us outside the Embassy of the People's Republic of China (3380 Granville Street) for a rally to say “NO” to the CCP, “NO” to CCP infiltration, and “NO” to Chinese National Day.
October 1 marks the 75th anniversary of the CCP's dictatorial regime in China - 75 years of
oppressing the Chinese people, robbing them of freedom, democracy, and fundamental human rights. There is nothing to celebrate about China's dictatorship. What's more, Xi Jinping, China's dictator, now seeks to extend the regime's nefarious influence into democratic nations by infiltrating every aspect of Canadian society: its way of life, public opinion, government policy, and even our electoral process—the very foundation of a free and democratic society.
For all those who do not want Canada dyed red, and for all of us who want to preserve our free society, come out and join us in protest.
Hosted By Canadian Communities of Chinese, Filipinos, Hongkongers, Indo Canadians, Taiwanese R.O.C., Tibetans, and Uyghurs.
China Democracy Party (中國民主黨)
Chung Hwa Min Kuo Chinese Youth Association (加拿⼤中華民國青年會)
Free Uyghur Now
Friends of Canada and India Foundation
Global Pinoy Diaspora Canada
Students for a free Tibet
Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong (VAHK)
Vancouver Society of Freedom, Democracy & Human Rights for China (溫哥華中國⾃由民主⼈權促進會)
Vancouver Uyghur Association
Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement (VSSDM) (溫哥華⽀援民主運動聯合會)